13 minute read

Header photo by Carlos “Grury” Santos

# needed libs 
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import folium
import requests
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)


Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO 2) […] is the most significant long-lived greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution anthropogenic emissions – primarily from use of fossil fuels and deforestation – have rapidly increased its concentration in the atmosphere, leading to global warming […].

Source - Wikipedia

Goal: This analysis will show the evolution of CO 2 emissions over the last decades. It’s organized in two steps : first per capita, then for each entire country. So what are the countries with the highest emissions ?

Different datasets aggregation

Informations per capita

The dataset CO2_per_capita.csv comes from the github repo of Cabonmap for more infos on where the data come from, please visite their website and graphics which are very instructives. An other dataset can be found here

# Load the CSV file  / ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 1 fields in line 1094, saw 2 // with no delimiter
df = pd.read_csv('input/CO2_per_capita.csv', delimiter=';')
Country Name Country Code Year CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)
0 Aruba ABW 1960 NaN
1 Aruba ABW 1961 NaN
2 Aruba ABW 1962 NaN
3 Aruba ABW 1963 NaN
4 Aruba ABW 1964 NaN

Columns names are self explanatory.

array([1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970,
       1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981,
       1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992,
       1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
       2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011])

Country codes and continents

This dataset consists of list of countries by continent. Continent codes and country codes are also included. Credits : JohnSnowLabs via Datahub.io

df_continent = pd.read_csv('input/country-and-continent-codes-list-csv_csv.csv')
Continent_Name Continent_Code Country_Name Two_Letter_Country_Code Three_Letter_Country_Code Country_Number
0 Asia AS Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of AF AFG 4.0
1 Europe EU Albania, Republic of AL ALB 8.0
2 Antarctica AN Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) AQ ATA 10.0
3 Africa AF Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of DZ DZA 12.0
4 Oceania OC American Samoa AS ASM 16.0
# select only interesting cols
df_continent = df_continent[['Continent_Name', 'Three_Letter_Country_Code']]
# rename them
df_continent.columns = ['Continent', 'Country Code']
# merge two df
df = pd.merge(df, df_continent, on='Country Code')
Country Name Country Code Year CO2 Per Capita (metric tons) Continent
0 Aruba ABW 1960 NaN North America
1 Aruba ABW 1961 NaN North America
2 Aruba ABW 1962 NaN North America
3 Aruba ABW 1963 NaN North America
4 Aruba ABW 1964 NaN North America
(262, 2)
Continent       0
Country Code    4
dtype: int64

Countries population over years

This database presents population and other demographic estimates and projections from 1960 to 2050. They are disaggregated by age-group and sex and covers more than 200 economies. Here i’ll keep only relevant infos for our analysis. The db come from worldbank.org

df_population = pd.read_csv('input/Population-EstimatesData.csv')

# keep only total population
df_population = df_population[df_population['Indicator Name'] == 'Population, total']

# keep only corresponding years and remove unecessary cols
df_population = df_population.drop(columns=['Country Name', 'Indicator Name', 'Indicator Code', '2012', '2013',
       '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '2021', '2022',
       '2023', '2024', '2025', '2026', '2027', '2028', '2029', '2030', '2031',
       '2032', '2033', '2034', '2035', '2036', '2037', '2038', '2039', '2040',
       '2041', '2042', '2043', '2044', '2045', '2046', '2047', '2048', '2049',
       '2050', 'Unnamed: 95'])
Country Code 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
166 ARB 9.249093e+07 9.504450e+07 9.768229e+07 1.004111e+08 1.032399e+08 1.061750e+08 1.092306e+08 1.124069e+08 1.156802e+08 1.190165e+08 1.223984e+08 1.258074e+08 1.292694e+08 1.328634e+08 1.366968e+08 1.408433e+08 1.453324e+08 1.501331e+08 1.551837e+08 1.603925e+08 1.656895e+08 1.710520e+08 1.764901e+08 1.820058e+08 1.876108e+08 1.933103e+08 1.990938e+08 2.049425e+08 2.108448e+08 2.167874e+08 2.247354e+08 2.308299e+08 2.350372e+08 2.412861e+08 2.474359e+08 2.550297e+08 2.608435e+08 2.665751e+08 2.722351e+08 2.779629e+08 2.838320e+08 2.898504e+08 2.960266e+08 3.024345e+08 3.091620e+08 3.162647e+08 3.237733e+08 3.316538e+08 3.398255e+08 3.481451e+08 3.565089e+08 3.648959e+08
341 CSS 4.198307e+06 4.277802e+06 4.357746e+06 4.436804e+06 4.513246e+06 4.585777e+06 4.653919e+06 4.718167e+06 4.779624e+06 4.839881e+06 4.900059e+06 4.960647e+06 5.021359e+06 5.082049e+06 5.142246e+06 5.201705e+06 5.260062e+06 5.317542e+06 5.375393e+06 5.435143e+06 5.497756e+06 5.564200e+06 5.633661e+06 5.702754e+06 5.766957e+06 5.823242e+06 5.870023e+06 5.908886e+06 5.943661e+06 5.979907e+06 6.021614e+06 6.070204e+06 6.124265e+06 6.181538e+06 6.238576e+06 6.292827e+06 6.343683e+06 6.392040e+06 6.438587e+06 6.484510e+06 6.530691e+06 6.577216e+06 6.623792e+06 6.670276e+06 6.716373e+06 6.761932e+06 6.806838e+06 6.851221e+06 6.895315e+06 6.939534e+06 6.984096e+06 7.029022e+06
516 CEB 9.140176e+07 9.223274e+07 9.300950e+07 9.384002e+07 9.471580e+07 9.544099e+07 9.614634e+07 9.704327e+07 9.788402e+07 9.860663e+07 9.913455e+07 9.963526e+07 1.003572e+08 1.011127e+08 1.019399e+08 1.028606e+08 1.037761e+08 1.046169e+08 1.053294e+08 1.059486e+08 1.065767e+08 1.071915e+08 1.077700e+08 1.083261e+08 1.088535e+08 1.093607e+08 1.098466e+08 1.102964e+08 1.106867e+08 1.108016e+08 1.107431e+08 1.104695e+08 1.101115e+08 1.100419e+08 1.100216e+08 1.098642e+08 1.096262e+08 1.094220e+08 1.092383e+08 1.090610e+08 1.084478e+08 1.076600e+08 1.069598e+08 1.066242e+08 1.063317e+08 1.060419e+08 1.057725e+08 1.053787e+08 1.050019e+08 1.048005e+08 1.044214e+08 1.041740e+08
691 EAR 9.792874e+08 1.002524e+09 1.026587e+09 1.051415e+09 1.077037e+09 1.103433e+09 1.130587e+09 1.158571e+09 1.187274e+09 1.216766e+09 1.247053e+09 1.278138e+09 1.310016e+09 1.342709e+09 1.376073e+09 1.410094e+09 1.444720e+09 1.480010e+09 1.516216e+09 1.553704e+09 1.592674e+09 1.633180e+09 1.675079e+09 1.718098e+09 1.761829e+09 1.805996e+09 1.850487e+09 1.895290e+09 1.940220e+09 1.985084e+09 2.031828e+09 2.076398e+09 2.120567e+09 2.164508e+09 2.208444e+09 2.252579e+09 2.297015e+09 2.341634e+09 2.386185e+09 2.430487e+09 2.474601e+09 2.518353e+09 2.561813e+09 2.605067e+09 2.648272e+09 2.691528e+09 2.734860e+09 2.778276e+09 2.821797e+09 2.865440e+09 2.909411e+09 2.953406e+09
866 EAS 1.040034e+09 1.043597e+09 1.058046e+09 1.083797e+09 1.109192e+09 1.135651e+09 1.165546e+09 1.194209e+09 1.223467e+09 1.256390e+09 1.289320e+09 1.323021e+09 1.354873e+09 1.385130e+09 1.415205e+09 1.442315e+09 1.466537e+09 1.489432e+09 1.512228e+09 1.535457e+09 1.558242e+09 1.581867e+09 1.607789e+09 1.633686e+09 1.658311e+09 1.683505e+09 1.710226e+09 1.738329e+09 1.766707e+09 1.794458e+09 1.821518e+09 1.847580e+09 1.871877e+09 1.895331e+09 1.918823e+09 1.941909e+09 1.964618e+09 1.986766e+09 2.008138e+09 2.028093e+09 2.047139e+09 2.065520e+09 2.082948e+09 2.099537e+09 2.115551e+09 2.131356e+09 2.147021e+09 2.162088e+09 2.177418e+09 2.192343e+09 2.207155e+09 2.221935e+09
(259, 53)

There are many missing value here, so a little cleaning is needed first

df_population = df_population.drop(index=5066)

cols_with_nan = ['1960', '1961', '1962', '1963', '1964', 
    '1965', '1966', '1967', '1968', '1969', '1970', '1971', '1972', '1973', '1974', '1975', '1976', '1977', 
    '1978', '1979', '1980', '1981', '1982', '1983', '1984','1985', '1986', '1987', '1988', '1989']
idx = [36916, 44791]
df_population.loc[idx, cols_with_nan] = df_population.loc[idx, '1990']
df_population.loc[37616] = df_population.loc[37616].fillna(df_population.loc[37616, '1998'])
df_population = df_population.melt(id_vars=["Country Code"], 
            #value_vars :  Column(s) to unpivot. If not specified, uses all columns that are not set as `id_vars`. 

# Create a unique key for future join
#df_population['key'] = df_population['Country Code'] + str(df_population['variable'])
df_population = df_population.rename(index=str, columns={"variable": "Year"})
df_population.Year = df_population.Year.astype('int')
Country Code Year Population
0 ARB 1960 9.249093e+07
1 CSS 1960 4.198307e+06
2 CEB 1960 9.140176e+07
3 EAR 1960 9.792874e+08
4 EAS 1960 1.040034e+09

Aggregation of all datasets

df = pd.merge(df, df_population, on=['Country Code', 'Year'])
Country Name Country Code Year CO2 Per Capita (metric tons) Continent Population
0 Aruba ABW 1960 NaN North America 54211.0
1 Aruba ABW 1961 NaN North America 55438.0
2 Aruba ABW 1962 NaN North America 56225.0
3 Aruba ABW 1963 NaN North America 56695.0
4 Aruba ABW 1964 NaN North America 57032.0
# let's check values
#temp[temp['Country Name'] == 'France']

First insights / data cleaning

Number of lines, types of values, irrelevant or weird values…

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 11388 entries, 0 to 11387
Data columns (total 6 columns):
Country Name                    11388 non-null object
Country Code                    11388 non-null object
Year                            11388 non-null int64
CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)    9233 non-null float64
Continent                       11388 non-null object
Population                      11385 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 622.8+ KB
(11388, 6)
df.loc[[2650, 2651, 10502, 10503]]
Country Name Country Code Year CO2 Per Capita (metric tons) Continent Population
2650 Cyprus CYP 2011 6.735376 Europe 1124835.0
2651 Cyprus CYP 2011 6.735376 Asia 1124835.0
10502 Turkey TUR 2011 4.383105 Europe 73409455.0
10503 Turkey TUR 2011 4.383105 Asia 73409455.0
df = df.drop(index=[2651, 10503])
(11386, 6)
Country Name                       0
Country Code                       0
Year                               0
CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)    2155
Continent                          0
Population                         3
dtype: int64
# Nb of different countries
df['Country Name'].nunique()
# Nb of years
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
sns.distplot(df['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'].dropna())
# same thing but longer
#sns.distplot(df[df['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'].notnull()]['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'])


  • At first glance, there are many years/countries with little emissions while very few countries seem to produce a lot of CO2… Let’s check this later with other plots.
  • There is not any abnormal negative values. Now, where are the missing values i.e in which countries are there only missing values ? What is the proportion of Nan per country…
df[df['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'].isna()]['Year'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(16, 6))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa36b8a89b0>


It seems that emissions were not fully recorded before the 90’s… Let’s dig a little deeper.

# Countries by number of missing values - there are 52 years in the record
df[df['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'].isna()]['Country Name'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(16, 6))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa36b774898>


On the bar plot above, one can see that

  • exept Ukraine, Russia, Croatia, Germany
  • countries with at least 20 missing values for 52 years of record are not big countries.

Therefore, they can be omitted in our analysis.

# retrieve countries with a least 20 years of missing values
temp_df = df[df['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'].isna()]['Country Name'].value_counts() > 20
countries_with_na = pd.DataFrame(temp_df).index
Index(['Armenia', 'Kazakhstan', 'Azerbaijan', 'Russian Federation', 'Georgia',
       'San Marino', 'South Sudan', 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)',
       'Virgin Islands (U.S.)', 'Isle of Man', 'Guam', 'Curacao', 'Monaco',
       'St. Martin (French part)', 'American Samoa', 'Puerto Rico',
       'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Tuvalu', 'Liechtenstein', 'Serbia',
       'Montenegro', 'Lesotho', 'Timor-Leste', 'Korea, Dem. People_s Rep.',
       'West Bank and Gaza', 'Micronesia, Fed. Sts.', 'Andorra',
       'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'Eritrea', 'Moldova', 'Macedonia, FYR',
       'Czech Republic', 'Croatia', 'Slovenia', 'Latvia', 'Uzbekistan',
       'Kyrgyz Republic', 'Estonia', 'Belarus', 'Tajikistan',
       'Slovak Republic', 'Turkmenistan', 'Lithuania', 'Ukraine',
       'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Germany', 'Marshall Islands', 'Namibia',
       'Aruba', 'Bangladesh', 'Botswana', 'Maldives', 'Malaysia', 'Bhutan',
       'Oman', 'Zambia', 'Somalia', 'Zimbabwe', 'Malawi', 'Seychelles',
       'Kuwait', 'Vanuatu', 'Swaziland', 'Burundi', 'Kiribati', 'Senegal'],
# removing countries with more than 20 missing values
df = df[~df['Country Name'].isin(countries_with_na)]
(7694, 6)
# filling remaining missing values with an interpolation 
df = df.interpolate()
# check if there isn't any Nan anymore
Country Name                    0
Country Code                    0
Year                            0
CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)    0
Continent                       0
Population                      0
dtype: int64

Analysis per capita

Which countries have the highest emissions historically ?

df_hist = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(by='Country Name', as_index=False)['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'].mean())
df_hist = df_hist.sort_values(by=['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'], ascending=False)
Country Name CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)
111 Qatar 54.423341
139 United Arab Emirates 31.844877
82 Luxembourg 28.196509
17 Brunei Darussalam 21.497854
9 Bahrain 19.867874
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 40))
sns.barplot(x="CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)", 
            y="Country Name", 


Which countries have the highest emissions lately ?

# for instance in year 2011
df_lately = df[df.Year == 2011]
df_lately = df_lately.sort_values(by=['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'], ascending=False)
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 40))
ax = sns.barplot(x="CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)", y="Country Name", data=df_lately)


Are the annual emissions decreasing or increasing ?

Let’s select few countries to show the evolution

selected_countries = ['France', 'Israel', 'Switzerland', 'Chile', 'China', 
                      'Colombia', 'United Kingdom', 'United States', 'Brazil', 'Australia']
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
             y="CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)", 
             hue="Country Name", 
             data=df[df["Country Name"].isin(selected_countries)])
plt.title('Evolution of the CO2 emissions per capita for few countries')


plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
plt.title('Evolution of the emissions per capita for each continent')

             y="CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)", 



df_mean = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(by=['Continent', 'Year'], as_index=False)['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'].mean())

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
plt.title('Evolution of the MEAN emissions per capita for each continent')

             y="CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)", 



Continent Year CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)
0 Africa 1960 0.298993
1 Africa 1961 0.310182
2 Africa 1962 0.308247
3 Africa 1963 0.323735
4 Africa 1964 0.348756

Evolution of emission share

df_mean_pivot = pd.pivot_table(df_mean, index='Year', values='CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)', columns='Continent')
Continent Africa Asia Europe North America Oceania South America
1960 0.298993 1.015958 5.310022 2.134758 2.734202 1.563707
1961 0.310182 1.230886 5.445797 2.348035 3.131762 1.508886
1962 0.308247 1.290272 5.703817 2.543537 2.683807 1.549366
1963 0.323735 4.151895 5.997686 2.315408 2.848258 1.549151
1964 0.348756 4.054674 6.281629 2.664622 3.515654 1.595202
df_mean_perc = df_mean_pivot.divide(df_mean_pivot.sum(axis=1), axis=0)

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

# Make the plot
              df_mean_perc["North America"],
              df_mean_perc["South America"],
              labels=['Africa','Asia','Europe','North America','Oceania','South America'])

# Formatting the plot
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.title('Evolution of emissions per capita share over time')


World map

# create a map
m = folium.Map()
countries_list = list(df["Country Name"].unique())

# removing names that are not recognized by the API
rem = ['Congo, Dem. Rep.', 'Congo, Rep.', 'Egypt, Arab Rep.', 'French Polynesia', 'Hong Kong SAR, China',
      'Iran, Islamic Rep.', 'Korea, Rep.', 'Lao PDR', 'Macao SAR, China', 'New Caledonia', 'Philippines', 
       'Venezuela, RB', 'Yemen, Rep.']

for c in rem:
 'Antigua and Barbuda',
 'Bahamas, The',
 'Brunei Darussalam',
 'Burkina Faso',
 'Cabo Verde',
 'Cayman Islands',
 'Central African Republic',
 'Costa Rica',
 "Cote d'Ivoire",
 'Dominican Republic',
 'El Salvador',
 'Equatorial Guinea',
 'Faroe Islands',
 'Gambia, The',
 'New Zealand',
 'Papua New Guinea',
 'Sao Tome and Principe',
 'Saudi Arabia',
 'Sierra Leone',
 'Solomon Islands',
 'South Africa',
 'Sri Lanka',
 'St. Kitts and Nevis',
 'St. Lucia',
 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines',
 'Syrian Arab Republic',
 'Trinidad and Tobago',
 'United Arab Emirates',
 'United Kingdom',
 'United States',
def get_boundingbox_country(country, output_as='boundingbox'):
    get the bounding box of a country in EPSG4326 given a country name

    country : str
        name of the country in english and lowercase
    output_as : 'str
        chose from 'boundingbox' or 'center'. 
         - 'boundingbox' for [latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax]
         - 'center' for [latcenter, loncenter]

    output : list
        list with coordinates as str
    # create url
    url = '{0}{1}{2}'.format('http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?country=',
    response = requests.get(url).json()[0]

    # parse response to list
    if output_as == 'boundingbox':
        lst = response[output_as]
        output = [float(i) for i in lst]
    if output_as == 'center':
        lst = [response.get(key) for key in ['lat','lon']]
        output = [float(i) for i in lst]
    return output

# Example
print("Coordinates of France are long={} and lat={}".format(
            get_boundingbox_country("El Salvador", output_as="center")[0],
            get_boundingbox_country("El Salvador", output_as="center")[1]))
Coordinates of France are long=13.8000382 and lat=-88.9140683
df_lately[df_lately['Country Name'] == 'Turkey']['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)']
10502    4.383105
Name: CO2 Per Capita (metric tons), dtype: float64
for country in countries_list:
    resp = get_boundingbox_country(country)
    long, lat = resp[0], resp[1]
    emission = float(df_lately[df_lately['Country Name'] == country]['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'].values)
                location=[long, lat],
                radius=100 * emission

Analysis per whole country emission

Which countries have the highest emissions historically ?

df['Whole emission'] = df['CO2 Per Capita (metric tons)'] * df['Population']
Country Name Country Code Year CO2 Per Capita (metric tons) Continent Population Whole emission
52 Afghanistan AFG 1960 0.046068 Asia 8996351.0 414442.773324
53 Afghanistan AFG 1961 0.053615 Asia 9166764.0 491475.529354
54 Afghanistan AFG 1962 0.073781 Asia 9345868.0 689550.645811
55 Afghanistan AFG 1963 0.074251 Asia 9533954.0 707909.126949
56 Afghanistan AFG 1964 0.086317 Asia 9731361.0 839977.440205
df_hist = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(by='Country Name', as_index=False)['Whole emission'].mean())
df_hist = df_hist.sort_values(by=['Whole emission'], ascending=False)
Country Name Whole emission
141 United States 4.699988e+09
28 China 2.639401e+09
74 Japan 9.278755e+08
66 India 7.040976e+08
140 United Kingdom 5.702256e+08
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 40))
sns.barplot(x="Whole emission", 
            y="Country Name", 


Which countries have the highest emissions lately ?

# for instance in year 2011
df_lately = df[df.Year == 2011]
df_lately = df_lately.sort_values(by=['Whole emission'], ascending=False)
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 40))
sns.barplot(x='Whole emission', y="Country Name", data=df_lately)


Are the annual emissions decreasing or increasing ?

Let’s select few countries to show the evolution

selected_countries = ['France', 'Israel', 'Switzerland', 'Chile', 'China', 
                      'Colombia', 'United Kingdom', 'United States', 'Brazil', 'Australia']
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
             y='Whole emission', 
             hue="Country Name", 
             data=df[df["Country Name"].isin(selected_countries)])
plt.title('Evolution of the CO2 emissions for few countries')


plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
plt.title('Evolution of the emissions for each continent')

             y='Whole emission', 


df_mean = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(by=['Continent', 'Year'], as_index=False)['Whole emission'].mean())

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
plt.title('Evolution of the MEAN emissions for each continent')

             y='Whole emission', 



Evolution of emission share

df_mean_pivot = pd.pivot_table(df_mean, index='Year', values='Whole emission', columns='Continent')
Continent Africa Asia Europe North America Oceania South America
1960 3.536444e+06 3.928689e+07 6.609129e+07 1.219828e+08 1.010739e+07 1.660111e+07
1961 3.695651e+06 3.453619e+07 6.850683e+07 1.217903e+08 1.037739e+07 1.681596e+07
1962 3.804803e+06 3.239489e+07 7.269145e+07 1.265432e+08 1.072653e+07 1.796754e+07
1963 4.057752e+06 3.418465e+07 7.773613e+07 1.316383e+08 1.145539e+07 1.827552e+07
1964 4.494858e+06 3.575509e+07 8.103279e+07 1.384992e+08 1.240671e+07 1.917087e+07
df_mean_perc = df_mean_pivot.divide(df_mean_pivot.sum(axis=1), axis=0)

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

# Make the plot
              df_mean_perc["North America"],
              df_mean_perc["South America"],
              labels=['Africa','Asia','Europe','North America','Oceania','South America'])

# Formatting the plot
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.title('Evolution of emissions share over time')


World map