About me

As a Data Scientist, i’m fascinated by Deep Learning / Generative AI and how to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. I’ve also a good knowledge in various cloud architectures and in MLOps.
Also interested in linux, open sources projects & cyber security - CTFer during my spare time :)
Hobbies & interests
- Sports : muay thai, swimming, snowboard
- Movies : science-fiction, thriller
- Books : neuroscience, AI, Tony Buzan’s books on memory, all kinds of books and newspapers
Misc : linux and open source projects cyerber security & capture the flag
Favorite books
- Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow
- TensorFlow for Deep Learning
- Data Science from Scratch
- Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- La guerre des intelligences
- The Technological Singularity
- Intelligence artificielle - Vers une domination programmée ? La Plus Belle Histoire de l’intelligence
- Intelligence artificielle - Enquête sur ces technologies qui changent nos vies
- Le mythe de la singularité - Faut-il craindre l’intelligence artificielle ?
- L’Intelligence Artificielle ou L’enjeu du siècle - Anatomie d’un antihumanisme radical
- Réseaux de neurones biologiques et artificiels - Vers l’émergence de systèmes artificiels conscients ?
- Un monde meilleur - Et si l’intelligence artificielle humanisait notre futur ?